
the lusty wrench

Why We Do What We Do

We recognize that your car is your most expensive movable possession. We believe that establishing an ongoing relationship with a competent mechanic can result in significantly increased service life and reduced operating costs. We also believe that the idea of “disposable cars” is environmentally reprehensible. We are committed to helping you maintain your car for as long as makes good ecological and economical sense.

What Makes Us Different?

We are happy to explain what we do and how we do it. Since we don’t rely on bullshit, we welcome questions. Most importantly, we remember that we are in the service industry. To us, that means that we will always try to find a way to say “yes” to your requests.

What Would Dad Want?

Sam explains:

When I’m trying to figure out what services to recommend to a customer, I ask myself “What would I do if it were my Dad’s car?”
Then that’s what I recommend.

The Lusty Wrench
(216) 371-8150

Open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pmDebit, Discover, Mastercard and Visa Welcomed